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Policy Officer Calls 911 while high on pot brownies

This is truly a big-cop-fail. Fox 13 does a story about a Dearborn, Michigan police officer who confiscated marijuana from suspects and then backing it in brownies with his girlfriend. He then called -911- when they were both full and high, and said:

Cop: "I think I'm having an overdose and so's my wife."
-911- "overdose of what?"
Cop: "Marijuana. I don't know if there was something in it. Can you please send rescue?"
-911- "Did you you guys have fever or anything?"
"We made brownies and I think we're dead.... Time is going really really really slow"

Local officials were upset that charges were not brought against the officer nor his wife. Although, the police department did gladly accept his resignation; and he's probably had a tough time finding a new job.

After reporting on the story the anchor man just laughs and laughs

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